Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2022 Glory Cup July 21-23 tournament for the age group.
G11 - Open 6 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 T1 Northern Utah United
NUU '11G Lopez
0763-03XG12-7309   Erik Lopez
 T2 Copper Mountain Soccer
Copper Mountain 11 KH
0213-01XG12-1234   Kalen Howard
 T3 UCSC Competitive
UCSC Lehi Fury 11 DW
0526-07CG12-1949   David West
 T4 USA 2011G Elite SC n/a   Salvadorduplicate Contrerasduplicate
 T5 Independent - Region 5
Utah Rio FC 11G TD
0536-01XG12-2019   Tyler Shelley
 T6 Park City G11 White n/a   Chris Sipes